Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Healthier and Wiser Soda Alternative

Soda products such as Pepsi and Coke contain the harmful substance found in batteries, battery acid to be exact. Phosphoric acid causes tooth enamel erosion with just slight exposure to it, imagine constant or daily exposure ie: daily can of soda. Not only does phosphoric acid damage your teeth, it also causes gastric lining erosion in which the mucuous membrane that lines your stomach become inflamed. There is no cure for gastric lining erosion. The best way to avoid it altogether is to eliminate soda from your diet.

Coke, also contains high fructose corn syrup, which has some negative health result such as weight gain, dental cavities, poor nutrition and increased triglyceride levels, which boost heart attacks risks. For more information on high fructose corn syrup, www.mayoclinic.com and search for information on high fructose syrup.

Let's do a quick comparison of the ingredients in Coke, and the ingredients of a better, less damaging soda, 365 Root Beer. 

Ingredients in Coke: Water, high fructose corn syrup, caramel color, phosphoric acid, natural flavors, caffeine.

Calories per 8oz serving size: 100   30mg of Sodium, 27g Sugar.

Let's check out the ingredients in the 365 Root Beer soda: Filtered carbonated water, cane sugar, natural root beer flavor, citric acid, caramel color (from cane sugar).

While this soda contains acid, it is less harmful than Phosphoric "battery" acid. Citric acid is a weak organic acid found in citrus fruits. It's a natural preservative used to add an acidic (sour) taste to soft drinks as well as foods. 

While I have not tried the 365 Root Beer soda, I have tried the cola and I must say that it tastes better than Coke and Pepsi. The acidity in the 365 is not strong and the overall taste of the soda is not sugary and overbearing. I actually enjoyed the taste of the soda. 365 Root Beer as well as the other 365 brand sodas are all gluten free and kosher. This brand of soda can be found at Whole Foods Market. One six pack costs $2.79 and one can costs .49 cents.There are about five different other flavors to choose from, so go ahead and explore.

Calories per 8oz, 1 can serving: 150    0g of Sodium, 37g of Sugar


  1. Does the 365 brand come in diet? You seem so knowledgable do you know if any of the ingredients in SoBe Lifewater causes tooth enamel erosion? I love the water but I read a post online that it does. Not sure what to believe. Thanks!

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